Alex Chaveriat
The PERFECT Gadget Bag? | Paragon Gear

I am a Hacker, Geek, Coffee Roaster/Snob, Kilt-wearing, YouTuber, DEF CON Goon, DEF CON and GrrCon Black Badge holder, and Chief Innovation Officer at Tuik Security Group. I love hacking, though, more specifically, the PEOPLE behind the hacking.

Jeff Grant
Paragon Strap System and Field Case | REAL USER REVIEW

We all have things in life that make us happy. One of those things for me is making videos, mostly about nonsense. But it occupies my time and makes me happy. Enjoy.

Shannon Morse (aka: snubs)
Hacker / Creator Gear Haul – 6 New Must Have Tech Accessories For Travel

Shannon Morse has been building computers since she was child-size, and discovered her love for theater early on. She has been creating content since 2008 and is an influencer in consumer technology and internet security.